3 Over 3 Over 3 Right Cross (3/3/3 RC)

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The 3 Over 3 Over 3 Right Cross is a nine-stitch cable where there are three columns of three stitches. The outside two columns cross over the center column, and the left-most column crosses upwards and to the right.


Western Method

With A Cable Needle

  1. Slip six stitches purlwise to a cable needle.
  2. Hold the cable needle to the back of the work.
  3. Knit three stitches from the left needle.
  4. From the cable needle, slip the three left-most stitches onto the left needle.
  5. Move the cable needle with the three remaining stitches to the front of the work.
  6. Knit the three stitches on the left needle.
  7. Knit the three stitches on the cable needle.

Tutorial Video

With No Cable Needle (Placeholder)

Tutorial Video