Stargaze Shawl

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Due to an unforeseen illness, I am a little behind on getting this page updated for you. It will be available by Friday, June 8.

Thank you for your patience!



  1. Slip 1 stitch to cable needle 1 and hold to front of work.
  2. Slip next 6 stitches to cable needle 2 and hold to back of work.
  3. Knit 1 stitch from the lefthand needle.
  4. P1, K4, P1 from cable needle 2.
  5. Knit 1 stitch from cable needle 1.

Helpful Tip: Some knitters prefer to use a locking stitch marker for cable needle 1.

Western Method Tutorial Video

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Alternate (No Cable)

Work first 7 stitches as follows: K, P, K4, P. Count 7 sts back on right needle (should be a knit). Insert left needle from front to back between 7th & 8th stitch and pull up a loop. Make sure the loop has enough yarn to cover the 7 stitches by pulling the loop away from the work. Knit the new loop together with the next knit stitch on the left needle.

Tutorial Video